
LabCentral Presents: State Fair - 2018 Holiday Party
December 13, 2018
Location: Lobby
Time: 5:00 PM - 9:00PM
Invitation Only
LabCentral's annual holiday party is here once again and we are happy to invite you to the State Fair! This event is open to all members, sponsors, partners, and special invited guests of the LabCentral community, but it is invitation only. An RSVP is required for attendance. All those who have received an invitation may register up to 1 guest for the event. Don't forget that costumes are HIGHLY encouraged for you and your guest. If you have any questions, please email Luke Wallrich, our Events & Operations Manager.
Event Sponosors
Blue Ribbon Event Sponsor
- Biogen
Red Ribbon Event Sponsors
- Promega
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
White Ribbon Event Sponsors
- Johnson & Johnson Innovation/JLABS
- Eli Lilly