
Guppy Tank: Episode 3
June 1, 2016
Time: 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Location: Lobby
Swim over to LabCentral for Guppy Tank: Episode 3, where we will hear from LuminOva and Beyond HDL/LDL. These two innovative teams will present their concepts and then the fun begins!
Innovation Team 1: LuminOva
LuminOva is applying non-invasive metabolic imaging of mitochondrial function in eggs and embryos to substantially improve clinical decisions and drive enhanced IVF success rates. The team is seekng input on how to prioritize its varied clinical applications in fertility.
Innovation Team 2: Beyond HDL/LDL
Just as decades ago it was discovered that the fractionation of total cholesterol into LDL and HDL revealed opposing associations with cardiovascular disease and provided much more accurate risk prediction, it is now clear that subspecies within LDL and HDL also have diverse disease associations. The team will present its novel quantitative test and seek input regarding a commercialization strategy.
Guppy Tank is brought to you through a partnership between LabCentral and the Harvard Office of Technology, serving to provide super-early stage projects an opportunity to pitch their concept to a panel of entrepreneurs and investors for constructive feedback and suggestions. Join us to be a part of the audience and feedback process.