
Art Reception: Nedret Andre & Ingrid Scheibler
November 9, 2017
Exhibit on display from October 10, 2017 - December 11, 2017
Time: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Location: Gallery 1832
Beyond the Tangible
"Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes...Abstract art enables the artist to perceive beyond the tangible, to extract the infinite out of the finite. It is the emancipation of the mind. It is an exploration into unknown areas."
--Arshile Gorky
Nedret Andre
Nedret Andre is a Boston-based artist who has been reviewed in Art New England and ArtScope Magazine. She received her BFA in Painting at Massachusetts College of Art, and her MFA from Maine College of Art.
Nedret’s abstract landscapes are inspired by the sensations of life within seagrass beds; the color, the energy, and interconnectedness of species. Through her research and collaboration with marine biologists Andre became excited by Blue Carbon, the carbon that is captured and stored by marine ecosystems such as mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses. This storage function buffers climate change and ocean acidification. Beyond the Tangible features paintings and depicts the importance of seagrass habitats that are not only for ocean life, but for the air we breathe as well.
She wants the viewer to bring their own interpretation and ask more questions. Why are 20 football fields of seagrass lost every day? How is Carbon stored in the sediment? What happens to this natural storage bank when seagrass beds are destroyed? Andre’s work portrays the quiet beauty and crucial role seagrass plays in keeping our air and waters clean.
Nedret’s approach to abstraction starts from a real subject matter and brings the viewer and artist to a place where the questions she poses and the reflection of the subject matter are left open for infinite numbers of reflections, interpretations, and ideas.
Ingrid Scheibler
Ingrid’s background is in 19th and 20th century European philosophy. She received her Ph.D. at Cambridge University in Social and Political Sciences. This background has had a huge influence on her work.
The German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer’s analysis of the concept of play is a fitting description of her painting practice. In the play of artist and artwork, neither directs the experience of the work. Each is a “player being played” by and through the artwork. The element of pure chance appears heavily throughout her work, this frequently shapes the beginning of a painting. Her theory is that while creating a new piece, elements emerge from the canvas and make claims of their own, even as she responds to and modifies them. The challenge she finds is to follow this push-and-pull tension – the combination of chance and claim. The finished painting is a mirror of this process and is celebrated in this exhibit Beyond the Tangible.